Blue comedy

The Milwaukee Police Department has its controversies – a suspect who suffocated in custody, illegal strip searches, an adulterous chief. But that should take nothing away from the dedicated individuals whose jobs require them to put their lives on the line for public safety.

Officer Joshua Albert had just completed such duty and was headed east on I-94 on Sept. 5 when his car was struck by a drunken driver illegally heading west in the same lane, according to news reports.
Dobie Maxwell, the Milwaukee-grown, Chicago-based, nationally touring standup comedian, heard about the case through one of Albert’s fellow officers, Dobie’s second cousin, Katie Gebhardt–Anderer.

Dobie, aka King of Uranus, has another connection with Officer Albert. According to the news release: Maxwell was himself seriously injured at the hands of a drunk driver in March of 1993 and nearly lost his own life traveling home from a comedy show. He was also off work for months during his recovery.”

In response, Dobie is orchestrating a comedy benefit and silent auction for 8 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 17, at Shank Hall, 1434 N. Farwell Ave.

All of the comics Dobie is assembling are donating their performances. All the proceeds from the event will go to Officer Albert’s recuperation. Admission is a suggested donation of $20. 

As Dobie shared recently in his blog, he has had mixed results from past benefits he has organized, but I’ve never felt such a positive rumble beforehand for any kind of event I have ever been involved in. Everything just seems to be falling into place. I’m very grateful for that.”